Friday, November 14, 2014

Game-inglove - Eliminate The Mistakes That Destroy 99% of Golf Swings! Game-inglove - Best Golf Training Aids that work. Gift ideas for golfers

What if there was a golf training aid that could single-handedly eliminate the mistakes that destroy 99% of amateur golf swings and would finally lead to a repeatable, powerful and consistent golf swing? 

Would you want to try it

Of Course You would and now you can

Ok that's a bold statement so how does it work?

Well Game-inglove has three proprietary elements incorporated into high quality golf glove that when used in conjunction with the instructional DVD by Mike PGA, and the Laser Path Mat, will indeed help you identify the flaws in your golf swing and demonstrate through real-time visual feedback how you can fix your golf swing and build a consistent, repeatable and powerful golf swing that will stand up under pressure out on the course.

These proprietary elements are

1. The Shaft Palm Line - Fix your golf Grip
2. The Realizer Clubface - Fix your golf face-angle
3. The Laser Path Guide - Fix your golf swing path & golf swing plane

Using 1 - 3 above along with the Laser Path Mat and following the instructional DVD you can fix your Grip, Your Face Angle, Your Swing Path and Your Swing Plane. Yes, all of that with one simple golf training aid.

Watch the video below as Mike Fay, PGA explains the basic elements of Game-inglove. This is a short video however, the entire step by step golf instructional videos are available at

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Game-inglove - See How GiG will improve your golf game - Mike Fay, PGA. Game-inglove - Best Golf Training Aids that work. Gift ideas for golfers

Game-inglove released the first in a series of videos filmed by Mike Fay, PGA. The first video introduces Game-inglove and explains the three proprietary elements of GiG that will help you transform your golf game.

The Shaft Palm Line will ensure the golfer has perfect connection with the golf club simply by aligning the golf club's grip parallel to the Shaft Palm Line and closing the hand. The golf grip is one of the most important yet worst executed parts of the golf swing, and it all happens before you even attempt to swing the golf club. Get your golf grip right from the outset and then you can build a consistent and powerful golf swing.

The Realizer Clubface provides Real-time visual feedback to the golfer and ensures the golfer is aware of the clubface angle throughout swing and in particular impact, and beyond. As Mike explains you need this awareness to hit straighter and more powerful golf shots. You will quickly learn to square the clubface at impact and hit straighter, longer golf shots.

And last but not least, the Laser Path Guide which will ensure that you keep the club on the correct swing path and on-plane. Everyone has swing issues and using the Laser Path Guide with the Laser Path Mat any flaws in your swing will be immediately identifiable through real-time visual feedback from the laser beam pattern. Using the "laser glove" you can quickly stop coming over the top, cure the slice in your golf game as well as stop hooking the golf ball.

All three of these proprietary elements form a comprehensive golf training aid that literally puts the entire golf swing in the palm of your hand!

Light Up Your Game with Game-inglove!