Game-inglove has a laser incorporated into the back of the glove that can perfect your takeaway, downswing, impact and follow-through to help you build a consistent and powerful golf swing.
So many golf swings are ruined in the first few feet of the takeaway by either over rotating the forearms, pulling the club too far to the inside or conversely picking the club up. Any of these moves requires a compensatory move to get the club back on plane and ultimately square the clubface at impact.
Game-inglove solves this problem, all you have to do is trace the laser along the upper line to waist high and finish your backswing; it's that simple.
Well it is true you don't the golf ball with your backswing but as Arnold Palmer said "The first foot of the backswing is the most important part of the golf swing" - So if you get this bit right you are off to a pretty decent start.
Once at the top of the backswing a common mistake is to come over-the-top and slice the golf ball or, equally as bad, is to cast the club, lose lag and has little to no power at impact. Well using Game-inglove you can solve both of these issues by making sure you trace the laser along the bottom line on the downswing; we all know you have to come from the inside right?
So that's the backswing and the downswing sorted, but what about impact, can Game-inglove help with that? Of course it can. You see you have to get the laser beam to the bullseye on the laser path mat before your hands get there. You WILL get the feel of lag, forward shaft lean and a flat left wrist at impact and you will start to compress and KILL the golf ball.
If you flip at impact the laser will disappear behind you.....there is a laser pattern for EVERY mistake and error in EVER golf swing and, a laser pattern for the right things to do too.
Game-inglove can not only FIX your errors but it can train you to hit certain shot shapes as well. So if you want to hit a draw make sure on the follow-through you trace the laser out above the left hand upper decal on the laser path mat. Whatever you issue or whatever your desire in golf game-inglove can be used to achieve your goals.
Game-inglove can be used for putting, chipping, pitching and for full shots. Do you think you could trace a straight line back 12 inches and through 12 inches on the floor? Well if you think you could then, CONGRATULATIONS you can chip the ball with ease. By just doing this you will maintain the "tour angle 144", you will keep the clubhead outside your hands and you will chip the ball with amazing accuracy, control and consistency!!
It sounds too good to be true doesn't it or too simple to be effective? Well it is on both counts, you see your hands control the club and the clubface so whatever you hands and arms are doing at any part in the golf swing has an effect on the what the club is doing. You see there is NO other connection with the golf club is there? So, if you can get your hand and arm movement correct and consistent you CAN become a VERY good golfer.
Watch the quick "How to use Game-inglove" video on youtube and visit us at www.game-inglove.com to find out how you can Light Up Your Golf Game!!
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